Have you visited Racho Los Alamitos in Long Beach before? This free, hidden gem is the perfect place to take a stroll on a warm day, visit animals, and learn a ton about Southern California’s history. Here’s what you need to know before you go!
When my daughter was young, a friend invited us to come see the giant horses at Rancho Los Alamitos in Long Beach. We got dressed, got excited, and set out for an adventure.
Aaannndd….we couldn’t find the place.
It took a few more years, and a few more tries, before we were able to actually figure out how to get into Rancho Los Alamitos. And it’s really not so hard- you just have to know what you’re looking for.
And when you do find it, you’re going to be rewarded handsomely. With a historic home to tour, extensive gardens to walk through, and a barn full of farm animals, you and your kids will leave the Rancho very, very glad you came.
Here’s what you should know before you head to Rancho Los Alamitos in Long Beach!