Splash Pads

Splash Pads Near Long Beach

Are you looking for a splash pad near Long Beach for your kids to play in? Long Beach itself may have a shortage, but there are plenty nearby for your kiddos to play in!

When my daughter was little, she HATED splash pads. She didn’t love the suprise water falling, she didn’t love the getting splashed, and she certainly did not love getting water in her face.

But then my son was born, and as he grew up, it became quickly apparent that the suprise water, the splashing, and the water in his face?

Well, splash pads were pretty much his FAVORITE thing.

So we set out to find all the fun splash pads near Long Beach for him to explore. Over the years, we’ve found quite a long list.

Read on for our very favorite splash pads near Long Beach!

child at splash pad; text: splash pads near long beach

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